Wednesday, September 17, 2008


"Yes We Can" is a song that was inspired by a speech from the democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obamas after the pre-election in the state New Hampshire in January 2008. It is intended to support Obamas presidential candidacy and includes performances by 37 well-known stars, mostly musicians, singers, actors, but also a former basketball player (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar). Obama's quotes are sung or spoken by the artists, combined with excerpts of the speech itself. The song was released on February 2, 2008 by the Black Eyed Peas member on and also on YouTube under the username 'WeCan08'.

"Yes We Can"

Some kind of video response to the original video "Yes We Can" is called "" which refers back to the name of The video can no be taken that seriously, but have a look on that. It shows that many people participate on the elections and support their favourite candidate. I found this video on YouTube - watch it and have fun!


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